Aspects, Symbols and Monuments of the Farm “Saint Columban Wheel and Cross”
The whole of the Farm — through the treatment to the waters, plants and animals (micro-dams, plantations, preservation and vegetarianism), through its activities and meetings, and through its symbols and monuments — is a living “ode” to the Perennial Philosophy, and its great Law of the Universal Brotherhood.
This Philosophy and this Great Law are here presented to the world through the still little known lives and civilizatory work of the Celtic Saints (with the examples of Saint Columban and Saint Patrick, among several others), as well as through the still less known union existing among the traditions of Buddhism and Christianity.
The union ot Buddhism and Christianity is one of the important aspects of the “New” Gospel of Interpretation, which is the denomination of the message given to the world by Dr Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. The union of these traditions is here represented by the composite symbol of their greatest symbols: the Wheel and the Cross. A greater explanation of this necessary complementarity and union may be found in the section Synthesis of the Buddhist (or Esoteric) Christianity, as well as in the website Buddhist Christianity and in the book (still in Portuguese language) The Wheel and the Cross: an Introduction to Buddhist Christianity.
These above paragraphs explain the reason of the denomination of the Farm. And the ethics (values) and the main social institutions derived from the great Law of Universal Brotherhood (which is the core of the doctrine and the life of Buddhist Christianity) are here represented by the monument “Democracy of the Future”.
Below, by the end of the “Presentation of Slides” we have several pictures of this monument, from the beginning of its construction, and also pictures of various other aspects and monuments of the Farm. A greater explanation of the importance and meaning of this monument may be found in the book: What Is Wrong With Politics? Bases of a True Democracy, mainly in the Chapter n. 8: The Democracy of the Future, and also in the section Synthesis of Humanitarianism and of the Democracy of the Future.
Let us see some pictures and descriptions of these aspects, symbols and monuments:
31/01/2017 — Presentation of Slides
They are important for some reasons. 1) They help the infiltration of the water into the phreatic (underground water), with several useful-good consequences; 2) they combat erosion, because they stop the velocity of the water during the heavy rains; 3) they collect organic matter, which without them would go away with the strength of the heavy; 4) they can be used as bridges, linking trails and roads inside and outside the farms etc, and; 5) they help the development of vegetal and animal life.
Plantation of Trees and Other Species
The importance of this activity is also quite relevant. 1) The production of woods and food for the sustainment of humans and animals; 2) the production of other products like oils, resins, essences, fertilizers etc., with a wide range of utilities; 3) the financial sustainment of the whole project; 4) the protection and development of several species of animals and plants; 5) to help the infiltration of water to the phreatic (underground water), improving the fertility of the soil and other beneficent effects.
Preservation of Animals and Plants (Fauna and Flora)
That is to be accomplished through the care with the waters, the plantation of native species, and the attitude of protection and care towards the animals as parts of our larger family, and as parts of an evolutional current of which we are an integral part, and also by extending as far as possible the principle of not killing. Below we see some examples of plantation of native plant species, and of some of the species of the native fauna living in the Farm.
(Barús, native specie)
(Plantation of Geroba palm tree, a native specie)
(Faulse Coral snake, see video in Youtube, channel: Arnaldo Sisson Filho)
(Big Hawk)
(Tucano bird)
The Responsibility to the Animals and Vegetarianism
The care with the animals as being our younger brothers and the acceptance of the responsibility of the humans in relation to the animals, promote a cooperation which is beneficent both to the animal and human kingdoms. And vegetarianism is a natural consequence of this vision and inescapable law. Due to this reason vegetarianism is a rule inside the Farm.
(Small boa snake, see video in Youtube, channel: Arnaldo Sisson Filho)
(Vegetarian commemorative lunch)
(Lecture about vegetarianism and raw diet by Adriano Caceres)
Saint Columban Chapel and Celtic Cross
As it was explained in the above initial paragraphs the Farm has as its great object to help in the spreading of the Perennial Philosophy and, very specially, of its great Law of the Universal Brotherhood.
It was also explained that in the Farm this is mainly to be done (although not exclusively) through the recovery of religious channels that are considered to be of the greatest relevance to the world needs, but that are still very little understood and even very little known to the public at large, as it is the case with the life and with the important civilizatory work of the Celtic Saints (here exemplified by Saint Columban and Saint Patrick), and also through the diffusion of the knowledge of the “New” Gospel of Interpretation and of the Buddhist (or Esoteric) Christianity (the Wheel and the Cross).
The recorevy of a religion truly catholic (universal) and truly cientifical (based on logic and understanding, and not on belief) is considered one of the greatest needs of our times. A deeper and wider explanation about this subject can be found in the work (still in Portuguese language) The Wheel and the Cross: an Introduction to Buddhist Christianity.
Irish Tower-Oratory Dedicated to Saint Patrick and All Celtic Saints
As it was explained in the above initial paragraphs the Farm has as its great objet to help in the spreading of the Perennial Philosophy and, very specially, of its great Law of the Universal Brotherhood.
It was also explained that in the Farm this is mainly to be done (although not exclusively) through the recovery of religious channels that are considered to be of the greatest relevance to the world needs, but that are still very little understood and even very little known to the public at large, as it is the case with the life and with the important civilizatory work of the Celtic Saints (here exemplified by Saint Columban and Saint Patrick), and also through the diffusion of the knowledge of the “New” Gospel of Interpretation and of the Buddhist (or Esoteric) Christianity (the Wheel and the Cross).
Great Stone Monument and Chapel of the Wheel and the Cross
As it was explained in the above initial paragraphs the Farm has as its great object to help in the spreading of the Perennial Philosophy and, very specially, of its great Law of the Universal Brotherhood.
It was also explained that in the Farm this is mainly to be done (although not exclusively) through the recovery of religious channels that are considered to be of the greatest relevance to the world needs, but that are still very little understood and even very little known to the public at large, as it is the case with the diffusion of the knowledge of the “New” Gospel of Interpretation (the message of Dr Anna Kingsford e Edward Maitland) and of the most relevant aspects of this message which is the necessary union and complemetarity of the traditions of Buddhism and of Christianity, or the Buddhist (or Esoteric) Christianity (the Wheel and the Cross).
Garden of the Buddhas
The Farm aims, in the future, to become a centre of spiritual forces, in this important region to this country and to the whole continent. To help with this object, places and trails dedicated and appropriated to silence, to reflection, to prayer and to meditation are being built as part of the Project of this centre.
Garden of the Masters
The Farm aims, in the future, to become a centre of spiritual forces, in this important region to this country and to the whole continent. To help with this object, places and trails dedicated and appropriated to silence, to reflection, to prayer and to meditation are being built as part of the Project of this centre.
Trails Dedicated to Silence-Reflection-Prayer-Meditation
The Farm aims, in the future, to become a centre of spiritual forces, in this important region to this country and to the whole continent. To help with this object, places and trails dedicated and appropriated to silence, to reflection, to prayer and to meditation are being built as part of the Project of this centre.
It is also a part of this Project that the Farm may become a place open to the schools, to serve as an instrument to help the discipline of Environmental Education. As a basis for the development of these activities several trails visiting special places are being built.