This website “The Wheel and the Cross”, as well as other associated sites like Anna Kingsford, Perennial Philosophy, Universal Brotherhood As a Law , Gospel of Interpretation, Buddhist Christianity, Humanitarianism, Democracy of the Future, Ideas for a Better World, and also the Farm that has the “Wheel and Cross” (Buddhism and Christianity) in their denominations, are living “odes” to the Perennial Philosophy and its great Law of the Universal Brotherhood.
The Perennial Philosophy and the Law of the Universal Brotherhood are present in all great religious and philosophical traditions, only under different symbols, languages and, therefore, cultures. Here this Philosophy and this great Law are transmitted to the world mainly through the spreading of the teachings (which yet are not very well known) pertaining to the “New” Gospel of Interpretation, as well as the spreading of teachings and authors that are in harmony with this message. The “New” Golpel of Interpretation is the denomination of the philosophical-religious message which was given to the world by Dr. Anna Kingsford and by Edward Maitland, which centrally contains the esoteric (or true) teachings of Christianity.
Included in the imense interpretative work of the Christian Scriptures and their main symbols (the core of this “New” Golpel of Interpretation), we find the clear exposition of the necessary complementarity and unity existing among Buddhism and Christianity – here named Buddhist Christianity.
It is important to make it clear, however, that Perennial Philosophy and its great Law of Universal Brotherhood can also be transmitted to the world through other religious and philosophical traditions, and even through modern science and the arts. This really fraternal, catholic (universal) and scientific spirit is a necessary condition for the spread of Metaphysical and Ethical principles in a way that is coherent and harmonious with the very existence of Perennial (or Esoteric) Philosophy and its great Law of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity.
Being so, all the content of the site is organized inside the Sections that presents the synthesis of these various aspects of the work of spreading this great message.
Besides this general organization, the site also offers pages with the list of the Authors and of the Works (with the complete bibliographical references), being only necessary to use the links of each author or each work. The name of authors or works can also be used in the site general search engine, in the right top of the initial page, which naturally can be used to any other search in the complete content of the Site.
Also besides this Presentation, the general sections organization and the search facilities, the Site has a page with Fundamental Quotes, which aims to offer to the visitors a general and synthetic view of the great ideas which qualitatively are the bases of the whole content of the Site.
In the future continuation of the works of “the Wheel and the Cross” (Buddhism united to Christianity) these Sections of the site will, as far as we can, be supported by other more complete sites and pages in the social nets, as well as commentaries and documentaries in video channels (like in the Youtube), plus lectures and books.
General Direction:
– Arnaldo Sisson Filho
– Luis Antonio de Souza
– Luis Henrique de Souza
– Paulo Brumana
– Arnaldo Sisson Filho
Thanks to the Anonimous Colaborators:
– We sincerely recognize and thank the anonimous colaborators, whose help has been important to the development of this Site.
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