As its name implies, this section aims to offer a collection of free downloads and free online works, whose main criterion for their inclusion in this collection is that they contain ideas that can help to elucidate the main issues or problems faced by humanity and, thus, assist in the advent of consistent solutions to these problems (both socially and individually).

As work continues, new works will be added little by little. Naturally, the works aim to support our Associated Sites and Pages.


BACON, Francis – Novum Organum: Instauratio Magna (New Instrument: The Great Renewal; or, True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature) – Project Gutemberg’s free online copy.
BACON, Francis – Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Humane. London, CASSELL & COMPANY, 1893.

BARKER, A.T., comp. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett. Pasadena, Theosophical University Press, 1975. 589 pp.

BESANT, Annie – Brotherhood Applied to Social Conditions; pp. 76-102. In The Changing World and Lectures to Theosophical Students.
, Annie – (The) Changing World and Lectures to Theosophical Students. London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1910. 333 pp.
BESANT, Annie – (The) Ideals of Theosophy. Adyar, Madras, India, The Theosophist Office, 1912. 130pp.
BESANT, Annie – (The) Spiritual Life. LondonThe Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912. 296 pp.

BLAVATSKY, Helena P. Collected Writings of H. P. Blavatsky – Edited by Boris De Zirkoff. 14 Volumes.

BUDDHA. The Dhammapada. Project Gutemberg’s free online copy. Translated from Pali by F. Max Muller.

CONFUCIUSThe Analects – Sayings of Confucius. Penguin Classics, 1998. 160pp.

CONVERSE, Philip E. – The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics – Originally published in: APTER, David E., org. Ideology and Its Discontents. New York, The Free Press of Glencoe, 1964. pp. 206-261.

JINARAJADASA, C. – Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1st Series. Adyar, TPH, 1973. 183 pp.
JINARAJADASA, C. – Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 2nd Series. Adyar, TPH, 1973. 189 pp.

KRISHNAMURTI, J. At the Feet of the Master. Chicago, Rajput Press, 1911. 71 pp.

LAO TZUTao Teh King. Project Gutemberg’s free online copy. Translated by James Legge.

MORE, Thomas – Utopia – Project Gutemberg’s free online copy.

PLATO The Republic – Project Gutemberg’s free online copy.

SOPHOCLES Antigone – The Internet Classics Archive.

WEBER, Max – The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Published: Unwin Hyman, London & Boston, 1930.

WILHELM, Richard – I Ching: the Book of ChangesNew York, Pantheon Books, 1952. 395 pp.



HART, Samuel H.


  • My Brother’s Keeper. Inaugural Address of the “Radiant” Youth Lodge, Chennai (Madras), Sep. 03, 1950. Adyar, lecture printed by the Theosophical Society, 1950. 4 pp.



McCRIE, Betrand.
  • The Living Truth in Christianity. John M. Watkins, London: 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, 1915. 43 pp. A little book written as an introduction to the message of Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo; with PEREIRA, Viviane.
  • Anna Kingsford, Buddhist Christianity and Vegetarianism. Summary of interview published in Revista dos Vegetarianos (June, 2009). Year 3, Number 32, pp. 18-20
  • The Relation Between Religion and Social Organization. Second part of the sixth chapter of the book The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity, pp. 217-239.
  • [Portuguese] A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista. (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity) Coleção Roda e Cruz, Brasília, 2012. 369 pp. Text written from the recording of interviews with journalist Viviane Pereira. The text was first published by the Anna Kingsford website. The present work is the first to be conceived wholly as a presentation of Buddhist Christianity. Written text to be, initially, published on the Internet, in 2010. Offered firsthand on this site.
SISSON, Marina Cesar.